Oh, the Awesomeness that is this post. I see a lot of gimmicky apparel as you can imagine but I rather enjoyed coming across this next one. It's called the Beardcap and it is exactly what you think it is. A beard, that is a cap. The beardcap refers to the traditional "lambshed-hood" which was used my farmers from Iceland who had to walk long distances in heavy snow-storms. Designed in 2005 this cap is made by Vík Prjónsdóttir with 100% Icelandic wool and is available in five different colours. Click here to get your very own beard. Photography by Gulli Már.
Oh, the Awesomeness that is this post. I see a lot of gimmicky apparel as you can imagine but I rather enjoyed coming across this next one. It's called the Beardcap and it is exactly what you think it is. A beard, that is a cap. The beardcap refers to the traditional "lambshed-hood" which was used my farmers from Iceland who had to walk long distances in heavy snow-storms. Designed in 2005 this cap is made by Vík Prjónsdóttir with 100% Icelandic wool and is available in five different colours. Click here to get your very own beard. Photography by Gulli Már.